Buoy 10 fishing is a world-class Salmon fishery that occurs in the months of August near Astoria Oregon. The area is famous for the yearly migration of Chinook and Coho salmon upriver from the ocean to the river’s mouth. The salmon are often feeding heavily in the mouth of the Columbia River as they prepare to push upriver and begin spawning. The Buoy 10 salmon run is known for its boom and bust cycles, sometimes producing a lot of Salmon and other years producing very few.
The first step to a successful Buoy 10 trip buoy 10 fishing is making sure that all fishing equipment and bait are in good working condition. This might include relubing the reels, checking out the bilge pumps and ensuring that all terminal gear is ready for action. Getting the boat motors tuned up and ready to go is also a good idea.
It’s a good idea to stock up on bait and any favorite gear up to a month ahead of the season opener as this is when prices are at their lowest. It is also a good idea to purchase an inflatable life jacket, which are becoming more popular among Buoy 10 anglers because of the foggy conditions, rough water and strong currents that can be found in this area. Ramsey also suggested that it is important to have a map and learn the locations of channels and sand bars, including the massive Desdemona sands that create dangerously shallow waters during the lower end of each tide cycle.
A reputable charter will also have the latest in fish finders and sonar that will help anglers stay on the bite. They will be able to locate the best fishing spots and give advice on how to best target the Salmon. Lastly, it is important to have high-quality rods that are well-suited for the type of fishing being done at Buoy 10. XMatrix Spinning and Casting Rod Series feature premium components that make them ideal for a variety of techniques and applications.
Many of the top guides at Buoy 10 will rely on a combination of herring and spinners when trolling for Salmon. However, the key to success is being able to target the Salmon when they are actively biting. This will require a high level of skill and attention to detail.
It’s a good idea to start at low slack when the flood tide is pushing in and then work your way inland with the tide and river current. When the river current and salmon are ebbing, it’s often better to move downstream to the next productive area. Keeping an eye on your depth finder and troll with the tide is important because Salmon often appear in the crease between deeper ocean water and warmer river water. Using the sensitivity setting on your depth finder can help you spot this transition. Usually, fishing in the 20 to 30 foot range will produce the most Salmon. It’s a good idea to position your lures so that they are directly over the Salmon as they swim by.